Get free access to Wolfram|Alpha APIs.
Share step-by-step solutions with everyone.
Good First Issue
As of Tuesday, September 27, 2022, some of the Wolfree Websites are not working. Wolfram broke the backward compatibility of their API by invalidating the AppIDs listed in the Dockerfile and blocking referrers from mirror sites listed on the Wolfree Websites. If you have a workaround, contact the community members of the Wolfree Project. You can use any social media compatible with Fediverse to send messages to:
- https://poa.st/@wolfree
- https://sb.bae.st/@wolfree
- https://kiwifarms.cc/wolfree
- https://spinster.xyz/@wolfree
- https://freespeechextremist.com/wolfree
You can download the Dockerfile at:
- https://try.gitea.io/wolfree
- https://git.disroot.org/wolfree
- https://git.kiwifarms.net/wolfree
- http://it7otdanqu7ktntxzm427cba6i53w6wlanlh23v5i3siqmos47pzhvyd.onion/wolfree
To learn how to contact us safely, you can read:
Thank you.
Quickstart Guide
Take the mathematical problem x2y'=x2-y2 for example.
- Go to https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=x2y%27%3Dx2-y2 and click the orangish "Step-by-step solution" button. Notice that the full solution is paywalled.
- On this page, click the bluish "GET STARTED" button above. Notice that an orangish single-line text field appears.
- Enter your mathematical problem in the text field. Type x2y'=x2-y2 for example.
- Click the orangish equal sign button or press the "Enter" key. Notice that the complete solution is unlocked.
- Bookmark the sites listed in the next few paragraphs, such as the mirror sites and the Fediverse accounts.
Links to Mirror Sites
You can bookmark the web addresses of the mirror sites listed in this section. When this website is not accessible, you can try to use these mirror sites.
- https://wolfreealpha.onrender.com/
- https://wolfreealpha.netlify.app/
- https://wolfreealpha.pages.dev/
- https://wolfreealpha.glitch.me/
- https://wolfreealpha.gitlab.io/
- https://wolfreealpha.uk.to/
- https://wolfreealpha.us.to/
- https://wolfree.onrender.com/
- https://wolfree.netlify.app/
- https://wolfree.pages.dev/
- https://wolfree.glitch.me/
- https://wolfree.gitlab.io/
- https://wolfree.uk.to/
- https://wolfree.us.to/
If your Internet service provider has blocked access to every mirror site, download the Tor Browser to circumvent censorship.
Links to Fediverse Accounts
You can bookmark the web addresses of the Fediverse accounts listed in this section. When this website is not accessible, these Fediverse accounts may post web addresses of other mirror sites.
- https://poa.st/@wolfree
- https://sb.bae.st/@wolfree
- https://kiwifarms.cc/wolfree
- https://spinster.xyz/@wolfree
- https://freespeechextremist.com/wolfree
Links to Source Code
Microsoft GitHub is unreliable due to its automated DMCA "notice and takedown" process. A forge compatible with Fediverse, such as Gitea, ForgeFed, and Forgefriends, is much more reliable than Microsoft GitHub. You can find the source code on these Gitea servers:
- https://try.gitea.io/wolfree
- https://git.disroot.org/wolfree
- https://git.kiwifarms.net/wolfree
- http://it7otdanqu7ktntxzm427cba6i53w6wlanlh23v5i3siqmos47pzhvyd.onion/wolfree
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
Community members of the Wolfree Project ("Developers") are writing source code for many computer programs, such as WolfreeAlpha. The source code for WolfreeAlpha is a Dockerfile. Docker Engine can read the Dockerfile to automatically set up web servers that serve dynamic web pages ("Wolfree Websites").
Many web hosting services are hosting the Wolfree Websites. The Wolfree Websites use Wolfram|Alpha Full Results API to access complete step-by-step solutions. The Wolfree Websites share Wolfram Alpha's step-by-step solutions with you ("Users") for free.
The Wolfree Community
These Fediverse accounts may post news about the Wolfree Project. You can publicly reply and comment on posts to share your thoughts with the community.
- https://poa.st/@wolfree
- https://sb.bae.st/@wolfree
- https://kiwifarms.cc/wolfree
- https://spinster.xyz/@wolfree
- https://freespeechextremist.com/wolfree
Cautions and Warnings
With the help of the Wolfree community, many web hosting services are hosting websites that share WolframAlpha's step-by-step solution with everyone for free.
Distributing the Output of Algorithms
The Wolfree Websites may share with you the output of scientific calculators, Wolfram's step-by-step solutions, or other disputed content. Reading the solutions to math problems solved by others' servers may be dangerous in your jurisdiction.
No Guarantee of Validity
Nothing found here has necessarily been reviewed by people with the expertise required to provide you with complete, accurate, or reliable information. Community members of the Wolfree Project cannot guarantee the validity of the information found here. Note that most other encyclopedias and reference works also have disclaimers.
No Legal Opinion
There may be legal, medical, mathematical, or other information that is also the subject of professional opinions; the Wolfree Project is not a substitute for seeking the help of a professional. If you need specific advice, please seek a professional who is licensed or knowledgeable in that area. Community members of the Wolfree Project do not give legal advice or medical advice.
FAQ: Exceptions to Copyright
The exceptions to copyright allow limited use of copyright works without permission from the copyright owner. Users can skip this section if these exceptions cover them. In most jurisdictions, you can browse the Wolfree Websites when the use is non-commercial research or private study, though you must be genuinely studying like you would if you took a college course.
Will I get in trouble with my Internet provider (ISP) or copyright lawyers if I read the mathematical expressions on the Wolfree Websites?
No case exists of someone being sued for consuming a copyrighted book, song, or movie from a website. Reading the mathematical expressions on the Wolfree Websites is not filesharing (P2P), so copyright holders can not find out who is visiting WolfreeAlpha, and they would not care if they knew.
The Developers are the real targets of complaints. Thousands of students and scientists around the world safely visit WolfreeAlpha every day, so you are in good company.
Why do complaints target the Developers and not the Users?
The reason is that the Developers write the source code for computer programs that facilitate the unauthorized distribution of step-by-step solutions. In comparison, the Users only read the solutions with web browsers and do not re-share them.
Copyright does not protect ideas, nor does it protect facts. It protects only the form in which ideas or facts are expressed. For example, you may read a copyrighted step-by-step solution and appropriate the ideas or facts it conveys into your work without violating the copyright. However, you may not reproduce the actual text of the step-by-step solution (unless fair use or another exception to copyright protection applies), nor may you evade this prohibition simply by changing some words or thoroughly paraphrasing the content.
Can I share screenshots of these mathematical expressions online?
Reading these mathematical expressions for personal use falls into the categories of either idea-expression distinction or fair dealing. But public distribution - by uploading or otherwise offering to share copyright-protected content - remains illegal in most, if not all, countries.
Reading the step-by-step solutions on the Wolfree Websites is safe in most jurisdictions worldwide that respect freedom. However, do not share screenshots of these mathematical expressions online as this may constitute copyright infringement.
Can I use my browser to display these mathematical expressions on the Internet during my math lectures?
Several exceptions allow the use of copyright works for educational purposes, such as performing, playing, or showing copyright works in universities or other educational establishments. However, it only applies if the audience is limited to teachers, pupils, and others directly connected with the activities of the establishment. Examples of this are showing a mathematical expression for calculus lessons and the teaching of math.
Each image file is a large positive integer stored in binary. How can Wolfram own the rights to these positive integers?
You are thinking like a computer scientist, not like a lawyer. Here are a few articles to help computer scientists understand copyright law:
- https://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/entry/23
- https://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/entry/24
- https://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/entry/32
Can I post the URL I found on this site on the Internet?
In some jurisdictions, posting URLs on the Internet may constitute copyright infringement. See also:
FAQ: Complaints about Copyright Infringement
This site may contain disputed computational output from scientific calculators. As with all legal matters, it is always best to consult a professional about your specific questions or situation. Community members of the Wolfree Project strongly encourage you to do so before taking any action that might impact your rights. All content on this site is not legal advice and should not be taken as such.
What is the DMCA "notice and takedown" process?
The DMCA "notice and takedown" process is used for complaints about copyright infringement. See also:
- https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/DMCA_Policy
- https://docs.github.com/en/site-policy/content-removal-policies/dmca-takedown-policy
How do I take down a website for copyright infringement?
The Copyright Act allows copyright owners to sue infringers, which can be expensive and time-consuming. The DMCA "notice and takedown" process is much cheaper and takes less time.
If the solutions being output by the scientific calculator constitutes an infringement, community members of the Wolfree Project encourage you to seek resolution through the DMCA "notice and takedown" process. Some success stories of the DMCA "notice and takedown" process are:
- https://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2021/08/2021-08-11-wolfram.md
- https://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2021/08/2021-08-16-wolfram.md
- https://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2022/09/2022-09-22-wolfram.md
FAQ: Wolfree Ecosystem
The Wolfree Project aims to integrate interactive and programmatic access to the full power of the WolframAlpha computational knowledge engine. The Wolfree Project leverages the Wolfram Language to allow free-form linguistic input of computations and programs. The Wolfree Project brings extensive data and computation capabilities that rely on the Wolfram knowledgebase and curated data.
How do I contact the Wolfree Developers on the Fediverse?
- Choose a Fediverse instance, e.g.,
Soapbox Pub, Pleroma Social, Misskey, or Mastodon. - Create an account and sign in.
- Send your message to the inbox:
- https://poa.st/@wolfree
- https://sb.bae.st/@wolfree
- https://kiwifarms.cc/wolfree
- https://spinster.xyz/@wolfree
- https://freespeechextremist.com/wolfree
How do I contact the Wolfree Developers by email?
- Choose an email service provider, e.g.,
ProtonMail, Disroot, Tutanota, or Gmail. - Create an account and sign in.
- Send your message to the inbox:
- hb4lhgu0h@mozmail.com
- w5g4npk5@duck.com
Why do the Wolfree Developers prefer federated social networks?
Everybody knows that you do not have to use the same email provider to communicate via email. You can send a mail from @protonmail.com to @gmail.com and the other way around. The federation on the Fediverse works in the same way. It means that different or decentralized servers or instances can communicate with each other via a protocol. Like email uses POP, IMAP, or SMTP protocols for federation, the Fediverse uses ActivityPub. See also:
- https://joinfediverse.wiki/
- https://fedi.ninja/
- https://fediverse.space/
- https://soapbox.pub/about/
- https://docs.joinmastodon.org/
Why do the Wolfree Developers prefer copyleft licenses?
Copyleft licenses work like permissive licenses with a catch: they require sharing and licensing the source code for new software built with copyleft-licensed software as open software, too. For this reason, copyleft licenses are also "share-alike" licenses, though "copyleft" is the term you will hear most in software. See also:
- https://blueoakcouncil.org/primer
- https://lukesmith.xyz/articles/why-i-use-the-gpl-and-not-cuck-licenses/
- https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-even-more-important.en.html
FAQ: Freedom of Information
Freedom of information is the freedom of people to publish and consume information. Intellectual freedom encompasses the freedom to hold, receive, and disseminate ideas without restriction.
The extent of Internet censorship varies on a country-to-country basis. Most countries enforce minimal Internet censorship. Users in these countries can skip this section.
How do I get around Internet filtering?
- Enable DoH, e.g.,
- Install a VPN, e.g., ProtonVPN.
Connect to Tor,
e.g., Tor Browser, Tails, Whonix, or Qubes OS.
Unless you are an information security expert, do not use DoH, VPN, and Tor at the same time. Pick only one of them. If unsure, learn how to use Tor safely.
Should I use DoH, VPN, or Tor?
DoH will not help you hide any of your browsing activity and should only be used to get around basic DNS blocking when you can be sure there will not be any consequences. Using a VPN will not keep your browsing habits anonymous or add additional security to non-secure (HTTP) traffic.
In locations where there is Internet filtering (or censorship), visiting forbidden resources may have consequences that you should consider in your threat model. The Wolfree Developers do not suggest the use of DoH or VPN for this purpose. Use Tor instead.
Do I need to use Tor Browser to access WolfreeAlpha?
Unless you live in a country without intellectual freedom, where reading certain mathematical expressions is banned, you do not need to use Tor Browser. But if you can not access WolfreeAlpha because your country blocks it, Tor Browser will unlock access.
What if my government made the use of Tor Browser a felony?
This level of intellectual freedom is too much for your jurisdiction. For your safety, avoid using Tor Browser if it is illegal where you live. Most Users value their freedom of movement more than their freedom to read.
I am in a hostile and monitored environment where it is dangerous to use the Tor Browser directly. Is there a suggested alternative?
Tor Browser, Tails, Whonix, and Qubes OS are all tools for circumventing censorship, with Tor Browser being easier to use. If Tor Browser does not work for you, here are some helpful websites to learn how to use Tails, Whonix, and Qubes OS safely:
- https://anonymousplanet.org/guide.html
- https://tails.boum.org/doc/index.en.html
- https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Documentation
- https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/
The following organizations are not directly involved in producing WolfreeAlpha but may have contributed conceptual inspiration or criticism. They maintain software or set up web services that indirectly benefit WolfreeAlpha.
- https://www.fsf.org/ promotes libre software.
- https://freeread.org/ promotes shadow libraries.
- https://www.privacyguides.org/ promotes data security and privacy.
- https://anonymousplanet.org/ promotes online anonymity.
The Fediverse is a giant network of social media platforms. There are microblogging, blogging, photo-blogging, and video-hosting platforms, and they are all interconnected. So you only need one account to follow anyone on any compatible social media platform.
- https://soapbox.pub/ is a front-end for Rebased, Mastodon, and Pleroma.
- https://pleroma.social/ develops Pleroma and its front-end.
- https://poa.st/ hosts a Soapbox instance.
- https://freespeechextremist.com/ hosts a Pleroma instance.
Gitea is a community-managed lightweight code hosting solution, a forge software package for software development version control using Git and other collaborative features like bug tracking, code review, and wikis.
- https://gitea.io/ develops a self-hosted Git service.
- https://forgefed.org/ is a federation protocol between version control services.
- https://forgefriends.org/ is an online service to federate forges.
Sci-Hub is a shadow library website that provides free access to millions of research papers and books.
Library Genesis
Library Genesis (Libgen) is a shadow library website for scholarly journal articles, academic and general-interest books, audiobooks, and magazines.
Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is a non-profit library that lends digital copies of books. Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Hachette, and Wiley claim the Internet Archive is infringing copyright by lending digital books.